You guuuuys..... look where I got to spend my afternoon yesterday right up in Haleiwa on North Shore, O'ahu! In a HUUUUUGE sunflower field doing a fun photo shoot with my friend Reggie (keep an eye out for those incredible pics once he's done editing!!).
Access to the fields are pretty limited, but Reggie found out he had an 'in' super last minute so around 11 pm Wednesday night I get a text from him saying, 'Hey you wanna be my model for a sunset sunflower field shoot tomorrow?' I'm like, 'Duh! Abso-freakin-lutely!'
Look at the incredible mathematically precise intricacies mother nature has hidden all over these sunflowers! You can click to enlarge, and I urge you to do so - it's breathtaking. Also, don't be surprised if some sunflowers show up in an upcoming painting - hint, hint, wink wink:)
Such a surreal place to be!
These are a few I snapped on my iPhone - just wait til you see my shoot with the pro! Yowza!!
originally published November 10, 2017