A Little Preview of My Current Goddess Series
The top painting is 'Tahnee', who hosts a very popular Instagram (@the_almond_aesthetic) centered on her life as a modern African American woman and is based around beauty, acceptance and empowerment. I believe her use of the #blackgirlmagic hashtag is quite apt, as she appears to be a very enlightened, almost mystical, being, and is totally gorgeous to boot.
[oil on linen, 10 x 14 inches]
'Amanda' is a very talented full-time photographer (this is based off a self-portrait) from Puerto Rico who hosts a very lovingly curated Instagram page @mandasjournal showcasing her artwork and life. I admire her seemingly shy, yet confident personality and have been enjoying her quirky videos diaries on YouTube as well. I really adore the pensive expression in this image of her.
[oil on linen, 8 x 10 inches]
Please feel free to leave your impressions in the comments! As an artist, I really appreciate hearing how my work affects others. Thanks!
originally posted: November 16, 2016